Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tight rope

Back again after a short time away as I was basking in the glory of my new found lady friend. It turns out all that anxiety and paranoia I had about my dirty secret was for nothing, she took it in stride and it was no big deal at all. Yet again amazing me, which is quickly becoming a habit of hers. Go me for blowing things up yet again, it's ok I lived in an environment of drama for so long I tend to expect it.

I had a great weekend spent with some really good friends and a certain lady friend as well. It was the 3rd date so I got the green light from the powers that be (thanks Jess) to make my move. Here's the funny thing, I'm a horny, dirty, bad man, typical guy walking around with a perpetual boner, it's ok I'm comfortable with who I am :). I actually enjoy talking to her just as much as making with the happy time sexo though. I'm either getting soft in my old age or I actually like her...a lot.

So here in comes the drama (you knew there had to be some right?). I was working from home yesterday as I do most Mondays and thought it would be nice to see her for a little bit. I also knew that STBXW was dropping my daughter off at the sitter's as well, which is just around the corner from my house. I've mentioned I'm lacking in the common sense area a great deal yes?

The good: as we're sitting on my couch I get a phone call from my lawyer. She tells me the settlement is all written up I just need to review and sign. Great news at last!

The bad: STBXW sends me a text as I'm sitting on the couch with my pretty and says she's dropping our daughter off and wants to stop by and pick up a muffin pan. In keeping with the new honesty in all things approach I told her it would not be a good time as I had company.

The ugly: STBXW proceeds to call me a hypocrite and a few other really nice things based on what I have no idea. Keep in mind now she's the one that left me months ago with very little warning other than I don't love you anymore and you're a lousy lay. And then while she was in her intensive therapy proceeded to hook up with the guy she cheated on me with for years and party her ass of while daddy sat at home caring for the kids, bills, and house. Lucky for me she's super extremely passive aggressive so there was no way in hell she'd actually stop by the house knowing someone was there.

When the first text came in Mary offered to just go then so as not to cause any trouble but me being again the genius that I am said oh no it's fine. So later in the afternoon I get the divorce papers signed and that's all well and good and decide to again try and do the "right" thing so give STBXW a call. She doesn't take the call of course but I leave a VM saying I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but I wanted to be honest with you, divorce papers are ready to go you should be getting them soon and I hope you get to feeling better (she had been sick).

She stopped by later to pick up her stuff and of course there was no mention of anything. She did tell me she's planning to spend a month in France with her friend. WTF, she has no job, no money, and she's gonna just take off for a month, Umm ok guess I'll watch the kiddo no problem enjoy. Before she left I figured I had better broach it to at least try and get a gauge of whether or not I should expect to find my tires slashed or my dog in a stew pot.

I basically repeated what I'd said on the voicemail, she really had no response and left. Sooo keep all of your fingers and toes crossed that she does sign those papers and we can all live happily ever after :)

Thanks for spending the time and remember shaving your balls is ok, but using aftershave on them is NOT!

1 comment:

  1. Thank GOD I don't have balls they are such a pain!

    Andplusalso, you are welcome on the approval. I also approve of that other thing we talked about today, ya know ;)
