Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Classic Doxy

Cleary this blogging stuff is cut out for real professionals I mean really death threats already for missing a few days damn, rough crowd cleary but I like the passion so here's a good un for ya. yeah Un it's kinda like one but Southun style get used to it I butcher the English language regularly, blame inbreeding, my absentee father, or society whatever helps ya sleep at night ;)

So yesterday was my 2nd wedding anniversary, which is pretty funny considering I'm expected to have to sign our divorce papers any day now, I was secretly hoping I'd get the call yesterday as that would be a pretty fitting end to a circus of insanity. Alas no luck, so my next bet is I'll get the call the same day I find out if I get to keep my job, which now is "sometime between wednesday and friday" Awesome thanks for the heads up.

But I digress back to my point, if I can recall exactly what is was...oh yeah the innner workings of my polluted and chemically altered brain. Ok so it's my 2nd wedding anniversary, no biggie really I'm kinda over the whole thing and ready to move on and have actually met not one but two nice ladies who I've been conversing with over email the past few weeks.

On the one had I have...oh let's call her Tracy, she's several years younger than me, has 6 month old son, living with her folks while she finishes school. We have several things in common mostly centered around sports (Chiefs and MU), and while we've not met yet the plan is apparently that we're just gonna do the nasty and then if we like each other go from there. Hey what guy isn't down for that right? Commitment free sex for a test drive well of course I'll take two thank you :) She's pretty cute, seems nice, and funny but I can certainly feel the age difference sometimes and physically she's not what I normally go for. Translations she's a little heavy kids, I like my broads scrawny, course if you met my first wife you'd really question that but when we got together she weighed like 90 pounds or some shit, but again I digress.

Now the other side of the coin is oh let's call her Mary, she's my exact age, has two kids (5 and 10), has been divorced for a year. Our common interests are mostly around movies (Kevin Smith FTW) and music (she likes punk music....seriously). Our conversations are much more about our lives, where we've been, what we've done, what we like to do etc. Haven't really even broached the topic of sex much really other than some stories about our ex's etc. Plan there is to go on a date and see how things go from there. Conversation is much more easy with her, I think due to more common interests, but being the same age helps too and her kids are older so we can relate in that regard (mine are 2.5 and 12). She's exactly my physical type I've always gone for as well.

So here's my dilemma, I'm single pretty much now so I can do what I want right? Sure I can that's what dating is all about checking things out, kicking the tires, seeing what's out there. I've got a limited schedule as far as when I can go out since I have my kids about 60% of the time I have to plan ahead and such. I had been planning to "hook up" with Tracy on the 21st, it's a weekend night I'm free and we were going to cut loose, have some drinks and get nekkid (yeah that's Southun too). Well in talking with Mary last night we agreed to go out as well, on an actual date not just the drunken humping bit, although that would be nice.

To add a little more fun to the mix my soon to be ex wife texts me for a booty call last night too (anniversary and all I guess).

So here in lies the dilemma. I'm a single guy and as such I should have no compunction (yeah shocked that a redneck could use them big words didn't it) what so ever about banging my wife, banging Tracy, and then having a normal date with Mary right? I mean hell isn't that more or less a fantasy most of us have had, meaningless sex with more than one person then have a normal date?

Here's my problem ladies and gents, I've actually got a damn conscience....It will most likely be my downfall, hell it has been in the past that's for sure. While the idea of screwing the soon to be ex (STBXW going foward) is somewhat exciting in my nether regions and it wouldn't change a thing, I'd be opening a door I said was closed and possibly screwing her up too (although I doubt that she pretty much places my value slightly below a cigarette butt). Hooking up with Tracy could be fun too but I know that relationship isn't going to lead to anything down the road, just from the way we interact and talk, it's just not there. Mary on the other hand I can really see there becoming a good relationship someday, however I don't want to screw it up by putting my hoo haa in either STBXW or Tracy's chingo, know what I mean?

I also made tenative plans to go out with both Tracy and Mary the same night, yeah I'm that smooth, again tell your friends, I need a bit more drama in my life :P

The Man side of me says screw every last one of them and enjoy yourself, that's the point you're unwed for the first time in a decade sow some wild oats. But my practical (the fucker I hate) side says if you are really looking for something long term then you need to stay away from STBXW all together, not be hooking up with a chic you know there is no future in, and give the one that seems to have what you are looking for the earnest shot.

So of course I'm not entirely sure what I'll end up doing, if history is any indication though I'll make the choice that leads to the most drama possible and complicate my life further, it's what I do I've earned a damn PHD in it already.

I'll be sure and keep ya updated though, if nothing else maybe I can sell tickets to watch the fireworks when it all blows up in my face :P

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