Friday, March 20, 2009

The Mrs.

Ok boys and girls today we're going to talk about Jess. We've known each other for well hell going on five years now I reckon (old age is a bitch ain't it). We met long ago in a galaxy far far away, in a far more innocent time, well not really.

I normally try and be funny or sarcastic in these things but there's nothing wrong with a little bit of seriousness now and again. Jess is a really terrific and wonderful friend. I've known her for a number of years and we've always gotten along well. She's had a metric shit ton of stuff that she's had to deal with in her life, yet despite all that she still has an outlook on things that impresses the hell out of me every time.

She's one of the most selfless people I've ever met, no matter what is going on with her she's always there to pick me up and dust me off, or tell me to pull my head out of my ass. And she does it with love and kindness, and maybe an occaisional fart ;)

She's got this guy see, a guy she probably never thought she'd have. They are so great together and it warms my heart to see them and how well the compliment each other. I know that being married and a homeowner and all domestic and shit terrified her, but she embraced it and I've never seen her happier. And she's growing, every day I see her do things and conquer things (mexican lasagna seriously??) and it's pretty impressive.

She's a student, a teacher, a cook, a poet, an author, and generally just really good people. If you are lucky enough to know her then you know what I mean. If you don't then you are truly missing out.

She really is a kind soul with a huge heart and I owe my gratitude to her fully. Thank you Jess for being who you are and helping me down the path, I'll be forever grateful.

Now don't go expecting too see a lot of these it's not really my forte but it was long overdue and certainly needed.


  1. that is the sweetest thing. really! i've only know her for a short time, and i wholeheartedly agree and applaud you that put it down on paper. well... screen :) bravo! and yay for jess!

  2. Okay I have tears in my eyes. She's the sweetest thing ever and I love her to pieces... like magpie, I've only known her for a short time and truly feel blessed for the little time I've had her in my life... I look forward to the years to come.

  3. Aweeee.

    This made me cry bastard.

