Thursday, March 5, 2009

Perfectly logical

Ok so I work for a large Tcom company in the Midwest (gee guess which one but it's a type of race) and things have been pretty shitty here for oh yeah almost since I started 11 years ago. Recently though things have taken an even darker turn and I'm pretty much just waiting for my turn in line to get handed my envelope and fuck you thanks for nothing papers.

***Random*** ok so some lady just walked up to the cube across the aisle from me to talk to her boss (who just got laid off too) and she's bleeding from her hand and elbow because she fell down in the parking lot. This place gets more fucked up daily, you can resume your normal program****

It fascinates me that all of the training and propaganda that has been shoved down our throats over the years particluarly those of us in management was apparently to not be retained or used but rather for fun and to amuse us. Save the company money, make smart decisions, reward risk takers that do business the right way, speak out about excessive spending and poor planning decisions. Clearly that is all just a load of shit we're forced to ingest to lull us into some kind of robotlike state where we can easily be tricked....convinced to take on more work for less pay and no recognition.

Don't get me wrong I get it, it's a business and the fat cats at the top have to stay fat (no matter if the company goes bankrupt or not) and NO life is certainly not fair. Just ask my son I taught him that at the age of two and he's very well adjusted fuck you very much for asking. But can someone please explain to me the logic in giving an executive who had a great deal to do with the directions and choices the company has made gets rewarded with a multimillion dollar severance package for making shitty decisions and driving the company in the ground??

Meahwhile Mr. sucker...erm I mean worker bee puts in countless hours of work living in constant fear of job loss, skipping lunches and vacations to make sure that one project comes in on time and looks great on the off chance that they might keep their job. And when it doesn't work out that way you get a bag of airline peanuts and a T-shirt, hey thanks for playing and your years of service, oh and don't call us for a reference we don't give those here.

See the way I see it is that those at the top are the MOST responsible for fucking it all up, so they should be the ones that get the shaft, those that have slaved away in the salt mines for years being treated like crap should get the rewards.

Next time an exec gets laid off tell them, hey asshole your decisions cost us 4.5 million last year and your failure to act quickly enough to issues brought to your attention by aforementioned worker bees cost us another 2 mill in lost revenue, as a result you not only don't get a nice fat severance package but you aren't eligible for re-hire here or anywhere else ever again in this industry because you're proven what a fuck up you are. On top of that we're going to cash in your 401k and split it amognst all those unfortunate dedicated workers who lost their jobs due to your stupidity. MAYBE that'd make em think twice next time.

And just in closing, no I'm not bitter actually I'm just a really big attention whore and want you all to like me....really like me and figured some angsty rant with lots of curse words would do the trick ;)

Final note the big day will be Friday the fitting they chose that day to let us know if we keep our jobs, corporate genius at it's finest!

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  1. Hi. This is your blog. I miss you. Please update me.

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