Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nigeria Girl Part Duex

I hope you enjoyed our last installment and here's another for ya. In this episode our heroine reveals her true intentions and makes a proposal of sorts. I unfortunately did not save the one where she asked me for 500 bucks to help pay for the surgery. Too bad too but if anyone needs it apparenlty if you have no insurance and live in Nigeria you can get surgery for 500 bucks! What a bargain! Me being one to not let her off the hook so easy continues to ask questions which don't really get answered. Notice our relationship has now evolved to her calling me Hun and she's as demanding as my first wife on my time....

glosmith1978: Hello Hun
glosmith1978: You There..?
dos246: hey there :0
dos246: :)
glosmith1978: How are you doing today..?
dos246: doin pretty good, got to keep my job and it's almost the weekend, just enjoying the simple things :P how about you?
glosmith1978: Am back..
glosmith1978: I got booted
glosmith1978: Well am cool right here but been very sad..
dos246: welcome back, yes I can imagine, sorry things are so rough for you mother
glosmith1978: Yes hun.. I think i told you the other time we chat what the Dr told me about her health..
dos246: yeah she's not doing so well and you're struggling to pay for the surgery
glosmith1978: You're right hun..
glosmith1978: But the problem is that i haven't been able to raise the money yet.. But i had some properties i inherit from my late Dad...
dos246: oh really, anything you can use ther to help cover the cost of the surgery?
glosmith1978: But the problem is that i don't have money to travel down to contonue to go and meet his lawyer right there.. And beside i don't think he can release anything for me out of the properties..
glosmith1978: Because of the instruction my late dad gave to him before he dead..
glosmith1978: You still there hun..?
dos246: I would think they could give you something to make it there and then take those funds out of whatever your dad left you
glosmith1978: If that is the problem it's would've been better Jay..
glosmith1978: But it's the instruction my Dad gave to his lawyer before he dead
dos246: and what were those?
glosmith1978: what do you mean..?
dos246: what were his instructions that he's not able to help you with your inheritance
glosmith1978: Thanks..
glosmith1978: Well i don't know reason my Dad did it in such way.. He has instructed his lawyer that he shouldn't release anything for me even a penny out of the properties Until he comfirmed it that am married or am in a serious relationship.. And he make sure he talk to my boyfriend either on phone or by email and he know little about him before he should release it for both of us..
glosmith1978: You there..?
dos246: wow that's pretty wild, why would he do that?
glosmith1978: Well let reason together Jay..
glosmith1978: What did you think he make him do that ..?
dos246: I really have no idea
glosmith1978: Well according to the lawyer he said that he wanted to secure those properties and he don't want to to just waste everything Or just to prevent me from any victim of bad people..
dos246: but you couldn't do that on your own? why would you need to be married for that?
glosmith1978: I really just don't know what to do now.. And now my Mom is dying..
glosmith1978: what did you think i can do now Jay.
dos246: I guess it sounds like you need to find a husband and quick
glosmith1978: Though due to what the lawyer told me, The money is much and he said that he have to follow my Dad instruction before he can do anything for me..
glosmith1978: I think that either Jay... But would i started talking to men that they don't want me just because of situation..?
glosmith1978: And because of my properties..
dos246: I guess there are plenty of guys who would marry you just to help you out then you could end it after you ahd collected
glosmith1978: Sorry i got booted,...
glosmith1978: You still there..
glosmith1978: But is that you suggestion is right,...???
glosmith1978: why did you left me online Jay..?
dos246: I'm back
dos246: ran to lunch right quick

Stay tuned for finale of Nigeria Girl, sadly though our romance comes to an end very soon as I just cant keep torturing the poor girl when my heart's just not in it. But have no fear the break up is coming and it's a good one!