Monday, April 20, 2009

And the rockets red glare

I love fire, no I mean I really REALLY love fire, and explosions too. As such the 4th of July is the greatest holiday ever, it’s warm, you’re encouraged to drink, and blow shit up! How great is that!

My family tradition is to go out to my Mom’s house for the day (she lives on a lake) and essentially spend all day outside shooting off fireworks and getting wasted. Pretty much every year I light something on fire or blow a hole in something, myself included of course. I’ve never done any permanent bodily harm to myself aside from a few scars here and there and it’s generally a good time.

My favorite thing to shoot off are 1 inch mortar shells. I usually buy a case or so of them and fire them off the back sidewalk behind Mom’s. It’s a nice pretty show and they are fun and easy to fire off.

Couple years back I was having a REALLY good time (read very drunk) and thought I’d get clever. I normally get inventive with ways to blow things up and set them on fire, and yes I’ve made my own homemade napalm before ;)

At some point in the night I got the great idea to light a mortar and set a plastic bucket over the top of it. I thought I’d see how high it would blast the sucker up in the air or if it would just blow the hell out of the bucket. Seemed like a fun thing to do…

First attempt I get the mortar light and go to drop the bucket over top of it. Keep in mind I’ve been drinking all day so the attempt doesn’t quite go as planned and I knock the mortar tube over. This fires the round of down the sidewalk luckily not hitting anyone but does make one hell of an explosion and got more than a few people’s attention.

Second attempt (of course I tried again) I manage to get it lit and get the bucket placed squarely over top no problem. Mortar goes off and the bucket pops about two feet off the ground the punches a hole in the top of the bucket and explodes about 4 feet off the ground. AWESOME! Huge shower of sparks about 30 feet across and loud as hell WOOT! I was of course in the blast radius but no real harm few singed hairs etc. but everyone else was back far enough.

So being the genius that I am I decide to take it one step further. Let’s try to ride the bucket this time J Examining the bucket after the last shot I can see where the round shot through the bucket with really very little effort. It slowed it down some sure but it had no problem going right on through. Given that I would be standing on top of said bucket I had no real desire to have a mortar pop me in my junk so had to come up with something to help re-enforce the top.

Aha! That scrap of 2x10 looks good enough! I had a pretty good plan so I thought my only real worry was being fast enough to get the board over top of the bucket and then jump on without falling off. Simple enough in theory but again I’m not exactly the most coordinated guy and after a day of drinking even less so.

Tossing caution to the wind I spark off the mortar, bucket is placed, board is down, and I hop on. Amazingly I pull all this off and get upright without falling down or knocking anything over, Yay me!

Mortar goes off and I have to admit I was a little disappointed; it only managed to launch me about 5 feet in the air. Great ride to be sure and when it exploded that was a nice little boost at the end. The sparks and effects were lessened a great deal since it basically exploded inside the bucket but it was still a pretty sweet ride J

Needless to say I was told that I was NOT allowed to do that again…..ah well there’s always next year. I’ve been working on a shoulder mounted launcher tube too…..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rap sheet

I’m a criminal, not the blood thirsty hard core type but I’ve certainly had my fair share of run ins with Johnny Law. So I figured why not share my rap sheet with ya.

1986 vandalism, trespassing- my first time being locked up at the tender age of 13. We were skate boarding in our neighborhood pool that had been drained for the winter. Apparently the homeowner’s association wanted to teach us a lesson.

1988 trespassing- this go round we were playing paintball in an abandoned house in my neighborhood. Again homeowner’s association felt it necessary to lock us up for this.

1989 Minor in possession of alcohol- we were out like most weekend nights just cruising around drinking looking for something to do. 10-15 cars pulled into a park to watch a fight and mine was the only car that got stopped. They found one beer under my car seat.

1989 shoplifting- we had a good scam going, we’d steal small high value items from one mall and then return them at anther nearby mall. Worked great for a good while until I got pinched at Sears. Funny side note the security officer and cop that got me ended up being co-workers of mine many years later when I took a security job at the Jones Store Co.

1990 speeding- first speeding ticket ever, on the way home from getting my tattoo…which I needed a fake ID to get since I was only 16.

1991 public intoxication, minor in possession of alcohol- huge field party behind one of my buddy’s houses. Several schools showed up and a riot broke out, while trying to corral my friends back into my car we ended up being the last ones left (aside from those getting medical attention) so the cops got us.

1991 Vandalism, Minor in possession- had an all night party at my friend’s house then decided at 1am we should drive around and try and tear down basketball goals (goal rippin’). After tearing one down the homeowner chased us and got our license plate number. Cops caught up shortly there after and actually fingerprinted the beer can I had left in his driveway.

1996 speeding- On the way back from spring break in Mexico. We drove from Warrensburg MO to Nuevo Laredo Texas in a huge purple van (aka the Grimace mobile). There was another stop and search by the border patrol but amazingly no one was arrested despite all of the contraband we were carrying.

1996 driving while intoxicated, resisting arrest, attempted flight, careless and imprudent driving, speeding. This lil event has an entire blog post dedicated to it J

1998 driving while intoxicated- my second and last DWI. I had drank 4-5 beers at my apartment and then was headed to my Mom’s. Cop pulled me over for a warrant for an unpaid parking ticket, which I had never gotten but my roommate did and neglected to pay it or tell me.

2002 possession of marijuana- float trip with my friends, neighbors, and family. Probably the most embarrassing to be sure but I wasn’t cuffed and stuffed merely ticketed which was nice. And as a bonus everyone felt so bad for me afterwards that all the chics showed me their boobs J

2006 speeding- Going through the toll gate on the way to Manhattan. I had just returned from a trip to the Bahamas and had left my license etc. in my luggage at home. Because of that I got cuffed and got to stand on the side of the toll booth for a good bit while every drove past and gawked…it was great.

So there ya go, I told you I was a hard core criminal. Honestly a lot of those were just being in the wrong place at the wrong time or some jerk off wanting to make an example out of someone, which I guess I’m a good target for. Anyhow kids don’t do drugs, stay in school, and wash your hands after you poop!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Vegetable Soup

He was probably 6 years old at the time, and had a neighborhood friend over for the evening. They had been watching the movie “Alligator” on television, probably not terribly appropriate for 6 year olds but they enjoyed it.

They were called to dinner and it was vegetable soup…..He had never liked vegetable soup, couldn’t bring himself to eat it ever. He also didn’t recall that it had even been served as a meal before in his home.

Most of the dinner was spent pushing around the veggies in the bowl and not daring to say anything or look up. His friend finished his, asked to be excused and went back to his bedroom to continue watching Alligator.

He doesn’t really recall his mother being there although surely she had to be, or maybe she had gone off to do the dishes or other house chores. Leaving him there with his Father at the table.

“You know you aren’t getting up from this table until you eat that”
“I can’t, it taste yucky and it’s making me sick”
“You’re going to eat that or you’re never getting up from this table”

He made several attempts to eat some but each time ended up gagging; probably more so from the fear of what might happen if he couldn’t eat it than the actual taste of the food.

His father grew more agitated and loud as this continued, he began yelling shortly after.

“I work hard to put good food on this table and you WILL EAT IT!”

Sobbing by now but still at least making an attempt to eat the soup it was no good. Finally working Himself up to the point where he finally actually got sick into the bowl of soup.

“You don’t think that’s going to get you out of it do you! Eat your damn soup!”

He doesn’t remember much after that all too clearly only that he did make a few more tries to actually eat the soup but all resulted the same. Finally his Mother came and excused him from the table and sent him to his room.

His friend didn’t seem to have noticed or heard what had happened, which was actually a blessing. Thankfully nothing else happened as a result of that night’s dinner which also made it easier, could have been from having a friend over but hard to tell. Less to explain that way, and the rest of the evening passed uneventfully.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Because it's that good

and I dig it the most...Some of you may think Glenn Danzig is a punk, pussy, wannabe, asshole. And you could be right, but the dude can rock. I'm hitting a run of wickedly bad ass tunes on my Pandora this afternoon. Started with Ozzy Mamma I'm Comin' home, leading to Pantera Cowboys from hell, and now Danzig Mother....Luckily it's friday afternoon and no one is in the office as I'm being rather loud and smacking shit :)

Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean
What they say

Can you keep them in the dark for life
Can you hide them from the waiting world
Oh mother
Gonna take you daughter out tonight
Gonna show her my world
Oh father
Not about to see your light
But if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
Till your bleeding
Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's
Tell your children not to hold my hand
Tell your children not to undesrstand
Oh mother
Do you wanna bang heads with me
Do you wanna feel everything
Oh father
Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
Till your bleeding
Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's
Not about to see your light
But if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
Till your bleeding
Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like

Monday, April 13, 2009

You’re dropping dead awesome….that’s me!

As promised in a previous installment here’s yet another suitor for our hero. Alas however since the heart break of Nigeria girl I was not able to open myself up to yet another tragedy so I never did respond. Probably a huge mistake on my part as who could pass up a plump girl with straight shoulders, a good breast line, straight lads (??), with good thigh size. I mean really and she also “does the side thing” which I can only surmise means she’s either in a carnival side show or she likes to ride side saddle in the sack hell I dunno.

And how the hell you can live in Illinois and be a realtor in West Africa I have no idea. I’m starting to think I attract transplanted Africans for some reason…. I love the fact too that she totally ignored all of my preferences on my profile as well. I’m a drinking, smoking, anti-christ who loves sports, match made in heaven I’d say!

Hi There,,How are you doing? I was glancing through your profiles when your awesome picture got me attracted while you're lovely words had me write you back. lol I really was marveled reading your profile and i enjoyed doing so. The first thing that came to my mind when i saw your picture was.. Like WOW... You're dropping dead Awesome. lol. So i thought I'd take out time to introduce myself. Well, Let me tell U little about me...I am Janet Jones from St. Elmo, Illinois.. I a Realtor and right now am in West Africa, Born on 5th July 1978. Single never been married. But been in a serious relationship, but broke up...5'9 tall. I am a very easy going woman who loves to see people around me happy. I like people who are real, have something genuine to offer (whatever that may be), can express themselves articulately, and who can think for themselves but are also open to new ideas and experiences. I'm still relatively new to dating Online. I haven't done very much here yet, but I'm willing and open to suggestion. Being new here, I'd love to just meet some people and get involved in some social activities to start. But I also wouldn't mind finding my soul mate along the way if that's possible. I believe in love (Soul-mate), but I do believe in attraction and chemistry, which can lead to love once you get to know someone better I am an honest, sincere woman tired of people playing head games on me. I am down to earth and love to have fun and be to laugh (good sense of humor) I enjoy all sorts of activities, including surfing, visiting museums, taking long walks, as well as watching movies. I am kind, considerate, and generous. I am also brutally honest and speak my mind. I enjoy laughing and making others laugh. I also like to sing along ,.I receive the most compliments on my eyes (blue), I am plump with straight shoulders, good breast line, straight lads with good thigh size with heavy hips, very flexible and a fast walker? Am a good dancer, my favorite dance is bally dance and Columbian dance and my thoughtfulness (very). I consider myself very versatile and I have to be because I have friends and business associates of all races, ages and socio-economic backgrounds. I'm very laid-back and down-to-earth. I'm also very Old-fashioned when it comes to my respect and treatment of men...As for my hobbies...Hhhh Like camping, fishing, golf, watching movies, not much into sports but also do the side thing lol. I like spending time with loved ones, I don't smoke and i don't drink .I really don't have much time for the common 'traditional single scene' but thought I'd give it a try, besides; i have a few friends who have had good experiences. I'm an honest and straight forward woman not into playing games. ....Seeking a man with the entire proverbial package, beauty and morals. With self respect, understanding caring heart and not into games. Looking for a serious man to settle with spends the rest of my life with, would take things easy but if sparks fly, then so is it. .I would be very glad if you respond with the hope of corresponding, and also hope we get to know each other better as i look forward to reading from you soon. Till u hear from you, have a blissful time and stay with God's blessings. With Regards, Janet. Okay i will soon be out of the this site so it will be best if you contact me on there okay ....thanks (

Feel free to drop her a line sometime who knows maybe you too can find true love…..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fuck you breeders, get a license

I’m a very laid back guy and it takes a great deal to actually piss me off, however once I get to that point I tend to go off a bit. Consider yourself warned ;)

Yeah so I read about this episode of Oprah, whom incidentally I don’t care for most the time, that was talking about parents viewing their children as burdens. After reading the blog piece I couldn’t really bring myself to actually view the episode of the show as I feared I may have tossed something very large and very heavy through the monitor.

Let me also preface this by saying that I absolutely abhor violence towards women, I’ve seen too much of it in my own life and nothing sets me off more except violence towards children and animals. I was lucky to have been raised by two amazing women that I owe my very existence too (Mom and Grandmother) and I love them dearly. I also was a child who was told repeatedly growing up that I was not smart enough, good enough etc. to amount to shit, because of this I literally turned my back on my father as he lay dying in a hospital bed.

I’m all grown up now though and have learned (unlike some of the fucks below) that isn’t healthy and I’ve accepted my father for who he is and why he was that way. And we’re both much better people for it and I’m proud to have him as my father. It’s called growing up and maturing instead of boo hooing and bitching about how piss poor your own childhood was, this is called being and adult….

Let me share with you a few choice bits though.

“But the mothers who shared that they didn’t bathe their kids for three weeks or used the Jacuzzi to bathe them are taking care of their own desire to save effort while seriously neglecting their kids’ needs.”

Are you fucking shitting me? What part about a child being a CHILD do you not get. They are not little adults, they are not self sufficient in any way shape or form, they are not going to just “figure it out” on their own. If you’re too fucking lazy to bathe your child then you need to hand over that kid to someone who actually cares about their well being over their own. Save effort? What the fuck did you think parenting was?? Something you can do part time when you feel like it or when it’s not a hassle or interferes with your social life?

How about this cunt here.

“…woman who unsympathetically said she took away everything her children loved when they misbehaved, and that she faked crying to manipulate them into behaving.”

If I saw this woman on the street I’d smack the living shit out of her and take her children on the spot. The psychological damage of seeing that little event would be far less than what this bitch is doing. Manipulating a child for fucks sake! That’s just sick and the bitch should be in jail. I mean really, what is your motivation for that exactly? I get it your kid misbehaves and it drives you nuts, but you know what you deal with it LIKE AN ADULT! I’d be willing to be her children are more emotionally and psychological developed than this worthless sack of shit.

Here’s another that really pisses me the fuck off. The parents that have little Timmy in every conceivable sport, club, event, social awareness circle and side show in town. Oh and Timmy you best come in first place or guess what, that’s right we’ll take your toys away and tell you how disappointed we are in you. Here’s an idea how’s about asking Timmy if he wants to do any of this shit, he may prefer to draw in his free time, or sing, oh and better yet how about we let him be a kid maybe? Instead of trying to overcompensate for your perceived failings as a child why don’t you break that cycle and oh I dunno try to be a loving supporting parent so your child will turn out less fucked up than you did.

All of this boils down to the fact that in order to have kids you should be licencsed, take a class something. I mean hell you have to have a license to drive, register to vote, be legal age to drink and smoke, have a degree to teach kids etc. But yet all you have to do in order to be a parent is fuck, and that boys and girls is a sad sad thing. And if you can’t hack it like some of the “parents” mentioned above there are literally thousands of loving people that would be happy to take your perceived burden off your hands for you. I know plenty of them drop me a line.

Anyhow glad we could clear that up and I think I’m sufficiently mellow now to go about the rest of my day.

Until next time, keep your feet on the ground and your shoulders above em’ unless of course you’re into some of the freaky kinda sex……then by all means enjoy J


Starting on some of my past history type stories and I figured I’d share one of my more…entertaining ones to get things started. Today’s tale takes as way back to the August of 1996, this was during those “dark” years of my life. Fear not though I’m sure you’ll find at least one or two things to have a good laugh over. This tale does involve drunk driving which is a something I no longer do at any cost, however in my previous life it was a common occurrence.

The evening started innocently enough Josh (my lifelong BFF until an even I’ll post in another entry) I doing our usual….getting as wasted as possible. We had met a fraternity brother of mine True at a local pool hall and spent the night drinking, doing shots of tequila and shooting pool.

I don’t recall at what point we decided it was time to head home but I’d imagine it was either closing time or they tossed out, could have easily been either or both though. We headed to the parking lot to my car which was a brand new Pontiac Sunfire my parents had purchased for me as a graduation present from college. I didn’t actually graduate but I told them I was going to so yeah they were pleased (again another entry to explain that one).

Anyhow, I do recall pulling my keys out of my pocket, dropping them on the ground and spending several minutes trying to pick them back up before hopping in and hitting the road. For all you kids out here if you experience this it’s a good idea to NOT drive at that point.

The drive from the poolhall to my Moms home where both Josh and I were living (yeah you guessed it another entry) was about a 10-15 minute drive down a single lane highway (291 south). I don’t recall anything from the time we pulled out until I woke up sometime later very confused as to why my entire windshield was busted out. My first reaction was to start my car and back up, as I put the car in reverse it would not move. Looking to my left I noticed I was apparently wedged against a truck I had crashed into. Deciding out was going nowhere and it was best to get the hell out I climbed over the console into the passenger seat and promptly fell out the passenger door onto the ground. I look up to see a cop standing over me with a flashlight in my face.

He gets me upright and asks where I was headed looking around I realize I’m on my Mom’s street about two houses up from her home. Pointing to my house I tell him “I’m headed to my house right there, and here comes my mom”.

As I found out later I had somehow managed to make it all the way nearly to my house but had been driving through the subdivision at a high rate of speed (60mph or above). They estimated my speed by the skid marks I had left take the 90 degree turn onto my mothers street without breaking. I had sped down her street, crashed into the rear of a camaro that had been parked on the right hand side curb. The camaro disintegrated from the rear bumper all the way to the back of the front seats, been tossed in the air and turned 180 degrees and came to rest facing up the street on the right hand side. After hitting the camaro I had veered to the left side of the street and slammed into a truck that was parked there. The airbags in my car had deployed however did not inflate, this resulted in some bruising of my chest but given the size of my car and my build (kinda tall) my legs tangled under the dash which is what kept me inside the vehicle as neither of us were wearing seatbelts. My passenger Josh had been thrown forward from the force of the impact and much like myself his legs tangled under the dash keeping him inside the car as well. He also had managed to throw his arm in front of his face shielding himself from the impact of hitting the windshield.

The cop then begins to give me the standard field sobriety tests, follow the pen with your eyes, ABCs, and walk a straight line. After falling down twice attempting to walk a straight line I politely told the cop this was pretty pointless and I was clearly drunk and further tests were not necessary. He agrees and proceeds to cuff me behind my back and lead me to his waiting squad car. As this is going on a large crowd of my neighbors is forming to see what had happened. I had lived in this neighborhood my entire life so there was no shortage of people who knew exactly who I was and sadly were none to surprised to that the “Jarrett boy” was again in trouble(again more on this at a later date).

I politely asked the officer is I could have my hands cuffed in front of me as it was rather uncomfortable to be cuffed behind. He said no, I advised that I was surely not a flight risk based on my condition but again he quoted policy and left me cuffed as is while putting me into his car. He also asked where my passenger went and I was a little miffed at that myself as I had no idea where Josh had gone. Looking across the street we noticed the paramedics standing over someone in my neighbors yard, ah there he is I say. At that exact moment the medic bends over Josh to check his vitals I assume and I see Josh deliver a right cross to the medics chin. Josh has been unconscious or passed out or both and freaked out to wake up to someone’s hands all over him and reacted in typical Josh fashion. Luckily he was not booked that night and allowed to return to my Mom’s house and sleep it off after he refused medical treatment.

In the back of the squad car now I begin to get restless and decide the cuffs are far too uncomfortable and I need to do something about it. Pulling my hands down by my feet I step through the cuffs and bring my hands up in front of me, ah that’s better much more comfortable. The officer comes back to check on me, and seeing my hands in front pulls me out and recuffs me telling me not to do that again. I try and plead my case yet again in a very polite way and he again refuses. There may or may not have been a threat of resisting arrest charges issued at this point I don’t honestly recall.

Have I mentioned I’m stubborn? So no sooner than he’s turned his back I of course do it again. Watchful of me now he comes back and we repeat this exercise several more times, much to his frustration. I am however being very friendly and using all my manners the entire time (albeit VERY drunk).

Finally we embark on our journey down to the cop shop, I’m of course being very talkative and chatting them up. They are surprisingly accommodating and later on the police report there were notations of how “polite and cooperative” I was….despite the filing of the resisting arrest charges, but that’s a little later in our tale.

We arrive at the station and I’m booked in, finger printed and all that good stuff. They take me to a little room to perform the breathalyzer test. Pretty simple really sit in a chair and blow into a plastic tube for 30 seconds or so. My first attempt I manage to knock the mouthpiece off onto the floor. Second try goes much better and I get a good reading, and by good I mean a .36. I’m asked if I wish to go to the emergency room, Heck no I feel great but I’d take a smoke. That request is denied and they tell me that technically at .30 I should be in a coma. Three cheers for a family tree full of alcoholics I reckon!

Having been “processed” by The Man, I’m placed in the drunk tank or holding cell. I’m the only occupant this evening and the guard (Officer Friendly) leaves to go do her rounds, drink coffee, harass other inmates or whatever shortly after I’m placed in there. The room is pretty boring, tile floor, couple concrete walls, one with bars where the door is and one that faces the guards deck/processing room. On that wall however there’s a cut out in the wire cage just big enough to slide the phone through for your one phone call. Slightly above that and to the right is a Plexiglas window that can be opened from the guard’s side to be able to pass items through if need be.

After sitting there for a couple of hours bored out of my mind, with no smokes I decide I’ve had enough and I either need a smoke or I need to go home. Using my infinite wisdom I figure I can probably put my arm through the phone cut out and reach around and unlatch the window. Once that’s done I can slide the window open and get through and grab my smokes, or just leave you know whichever tickled my fancy.

It actually goes pretty well considering the amount of booze in my body and my natural lack of coordination and I get the window open on the first try. Very pleased with myself I begin to pull myself up into the window, it sat high enough of the ground I had to kind pull/hop myself up onto the ledge a bit with my legs dangling above the floor. I get about halfway through the window to where the window sill is at my waist when I hear a jangling kinda noise……

Looking up I see my good friend Officer Friendly rounding the corner. Her first look is of shock, but that was quickly replaced with the Ivan Drago look from Rocky IV where he tells Rocky “I must break you”. A bit shocked myself I start to try and backpedal through the window, recall my feet aren’t touching the floor so it’s not exactly very productive. She enters the office, cocks back her fist and punches me square flush in the forehead……I’ve never been hit so hard in my life. Which is saying a lot I’ve taken some beatings in my day. Dazed from the impact of the blow and still pretty much hanging in the air I fall backwards and back through the window. On the way through though my right forearm catches on the sill taking a nice slice of meat out of my arm. I fall to the ground inside the cell and smack my head on the tile floor.

I’m literally seeing stars now and looking up shaking my head I see my good friend Officer Friendly fumbling with her keys to open the holding cell with one hand and drawing her nightstick with the other. At this point I pretty much figure I’m done for so I assume the position….the fetal position hoping that I can at least make it out of this with what little brain I have left intact.

She gets the door open and proceeds to do the kick whack, kick whack routine on me for a good couple of minutes. Either it was her feeding time or she grew tired of my lack of response or fighting back she decided I had enough and stopped and went back to her side of the gate. Funny thing was she never said a word the entire time either. Not sure if I just wasn’t her type or what the deal was but even during or after she never said squat to me.

It was a nice addition to my already growing list of charges I think they called it attempted flight on the police report. She did fail to put any comments like the other officers had though about how polite I was….ah well her loss I suppose. I obviously was not her type, probably too adventurous for her or something.

Couple hours later, bail bondsman shows up and I’m released to my Mother and I head home and sleep it off for a few hours.

So there ya go. Just one of the many fun filled tales from my past. I’m working on hopefully getting all of this down in a manuscript eventually. I thought it best to start with a few choice tales first and see how it went as I’ve never put any of it down as of yet. Didn’t really expect it to run this long but hey if you’ve hung in there this long I do thank you J

Now get back to work or whatever else you were doing and watch out for blonde cops with big nightsticks……

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dookie blues

Ok so I’ve got two rug rats in my possession most of the time. Cros is almost 13 and Rea will be 3 this summer, they are great kids and we have lots of fun but I’m starting to get concerned.

Cros has always been very much the absent minded professor type. He’s always made perfect grades, is in the accelerated program in school, and just took the ACT at age 12 for Christ sake. Here’s the deal though, the kids got almost no common sense half the time. I mean it’s pretty common to see him walking around the house with one sock on, one off and his face covered in whatever he ate last. And yes I’ve caught him trying to put a fork in the toaster before….

It’s all good though he’s unique, smart, witty, brave and I love him to death. I can forgive all of his eccentricities because not only is it entertaining but he’s a great kid all around.

Here’s the thing though….the kids obsessed with Shit, literally there has not been one day he’s been with me in the last few years where the topic doesn’t come up at least once. Now I’m all for the potty humor I’m quite a connoisseur myself and it never ceases to make me laugh, but there’s gotta be some limits.

Here’s one of his favorite tales (and he’s not shy about telling it either to anyone) that he seems to like to tell to new friends or people he’s just getting to know. Great way to break the ice I suppose.

This was a few years back he was probably 10 or so years old and he was at school. He had been having stomach cramps most of the day and wasn’t feeling so hot, recalling earlier how he can be a bit distracted at times he let it go until he hit critical mass before asking to use the restroom. He finally asks the teacher and she gives him a pass to go relieve himself, he runs to the bathroom clenching all the way to avoid the blow out.

Finally reaching the bathroom he runs to the stall only to find the door is locked on the only stall and he can’t get in. Beginning to panic and fearing making mud in his britches he makes his choice. And this is yet another reason why I know he’s mine. He proceeds to drop trow and plop his ass down on the urinal (those of you that have seen Kingpin, yeah exactly like that) and let fly. As he describes this to me I can only imagine the scene from Dumb and Dumber where Harry totally destroys Mary’s toilet after being dosed with laxatives by Lloyd and he’s gripping the seat with both hands and his legs are sticking out straight.

Per Crosbie it was “brown cottage cheese” filling the urinal, and as most do (at least I think I don’t know I haven’t peeped anyone shitting in some time) he’s gotta piss too. Given that he’s got his ass jammed in the urinal with no real option to stand up he again makes the wise chose and just starts pissing. Arcing his shot so as not to soil himself he makes a good sized puddle in the middle of the bathroom floor and finishes filling the urinal with his gift for the janitor.

Done destroying the place he now has yet another problem….he needs to wipe (because he’s a good sanitary kid and all). Finding the paper towel dispenser empty his only recourse is to try and get into said locked stall. So he crawls under the stall, retrieves some TP and gets himself tidied up. Again being the absent minded turd burglar that he is, instead of wiping in the stall and flushing it he brings the TP back out in the bathroom and has no place to dispose of it once done. Figuring the damage is done he just tosses the soiled asswipe into the trash can.

Satisfied that he’s feeling better and taken care of his stomach problem he heads back to class……and never says a word to his teacher or anyone about what happened.

I feel truly sorry for the janitor who had to walk in and see that mess, but the story has given my friends and I plenty of laughs over the years.