Friday, May 8, 2009

OMG water from the sky!!!

Ok so what’s the deal with people who can’t drive when it rains. I mean I get it if there’s torrential downpour and it’s coming down so hard you can’t see, but a little rain really? This morning for example, I get up and hit the road and there’s a good little bit of rain coming down. About enough to where my wipers are set on medium speed.

It’s Friday no less which typically means less traffic since most folks call in on either Friday or Monday, especially if it’s less than ideal weather. No sooner do I get on the highway then I’m sitting in bumper to bumper traffic. WTF? I just don’t get it, OMG Water from the sky let’s drive 10 miles and hour….morons.

Ah well so my normal 20 minute commute ends up taking me an hour to get here, which had I of given it more thought I would have just worked from home and saved myself the frustration. The kicker is the entire way here, not a single accident, or anything else that would explain the snail’s pace we were moving at. Aside from that crazy moisture falling from the sky of course, ooohhh scary.

On a completely unrelated note I guess Kieffer Sutherland was arrested last night in NY for assault. The report says that he was up all night at a bar drinking, wearing a feather boa, and “twirling” people. Then he bumped into a fashion designer and an argument ensued, not certain on the exact subject of the argument other than Keiffer was said to have been defending Brooke Shields and ended up head butting the guy.

Only connection I am aware of between the two is a movie called Freeway. AWESOME flick if you haven’t seen it, one of Reese Witherspoon’s first movies (back when she was hot and skinny and not into crazy dudes). Kieffer plays a serial killer who’s a real piece of work, definitely work checking out if you get the chance.

My apologies for the long delay in posting, I’ve had a hard time getting motivated to post when I don’t have much misery, angst, and depression in my life :P

I promise I’ll do better going forward…maybe ;-)

Closing thought:
What happens to your lap when you stand up?